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  • Book tip – Färgstarkt! by Camilla Lundsten

    I got this really nice book in the mail the other day! Färgstarkt by Camilla Lundsten who runs the brand Littlephant.   The book is full of ideas, DIY’s and thoughts on interiors and colors. Image above from her own home. Love this idea with the shelving systmen in the same color as a square behind  – and then picking up the colors again on the legs of the Ikea…

  • Weekend mobile random

     Organizing and catching up has been my lead words for this weekend. I had some kind of family issues to take care of last week and my head was totally swimming with stuff. Had to pause it all. Have you tried a backwards dinner? You know starting with the dessert and move all back to finish with the first course? Kind of fun on paper but in real – personally…

  • Crosby Studio’s beauty parlour in Moscow

    About 2 years ago I went to Moscow to give a talk and host a workshop. Jenny tagged along and we had a fantastic time! We also did a job for the mag Residence about the creative duo Harry & Marya who runs Crosby Studios. Today on their Instagram I saw these images from this pink bathroom and I just had to take a closer look. Crosby studios just finished…