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  • Gone Camping

    After hanging in our house for a couple of weeks we needed some adventure so we borrowed the neighbors tent and took off. The happiness I feel just sitting in a car and going to unknown destinations is not of this world. Yeah we where just going for an half an hour,  a couple of miles away but still. Not knowing what and how was great. I believe We do…

  • Life at Isabelles House

    At our house some young folks where playing mirror mirror upon that wall a bit too much so we took the mirror in the hallway down and I found this painting in the shed. The pink wall is also new. A very strange color. In some lights simply the best and some times it looks like a pigs arse… Got my nails did with the help of a heavy caulk…

  • I kind of love snow, skiing and such

    But this summer – vibe beats NOTHING!