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  • Jenny is in Stockholm!

    As usual we have so much to talk about and do that we kind of forget to take photo's and blog about it. But here are some snaps from our day. First cinnamon bun and coffee. You can follow our stories at instagram - a bit better update there. @jennyfromdosfamily & @isabellemcallister We went around city to buy some x-mas gifts but our kids just want violent games or expensive…
  • – Do you really know how to make a fire?”

    Two things I didn't know I wanted but got when moving into this apartment a couple of years ago was 1. A really big and nice bathroom 2. A fire place. But now in deep winter there is pretty nothing nicer than to take 1. a bath in a roomy bathroom preferable with locked door and a new eisode of let's say Greys Anatomy. 2. Making a fire and snuggle…
  • Books on my wish list

    I’m getting ready for some quality “me-time” this Christmas break by downloading these books. They’ve been on my list for a while. When the kids were younger I never found time for reading, but now when they are 12 and 7, having their own hobbies and passions I’m back at it. I’m such a story nerd though and I’ve gotten my kicks where ever the story has been told: Instagram,…