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  • Tonight at 18:45

    On Fixa Rummet tonight, you will meet Simone that is making a lovley room for here little sisters, (If I´m aloud to say this, I would say that this room is one of my favorites!) So you have to look tonight: Yes, and of course a behind the scene picture, sorry Isabelle you look a littlebit crazy here, but also very cute! So tonight 18:45 on SVT B or later…

  • A letter to Jenny!

    Okey, maybe I´m shooting myself in the foot now, by letting Jenny believe that it´s a more wonderful surprice in this envelope than it is. But I just wanted to share it anyways. Because I think it´s a great DIY. So my tip of the day, is to make your own envelope. You can use anything, I had an old comic paper at home, with The bionic woman on the…

  • Kvinnliga Hantverkarstipendiet and the graphic story behind it!

    As you all know the scholarship for female craftsman were distributed last week. And the great blogger and artisan Sara May Kahl was the winner. (Great choice by the way!) I was asked to create the diploma. (Yes, I have a very nice job!) And here is the story behind creating it, I was inspired by the great poster by Antony Burrill. You know that one with the typo: Work…