A letter to Jenny!

Okey, maybe I´m shooting myself in the foot now, by letting Jenny believe that it´s a more wonderful surprice in this envelope than it is. But I just wanted to share it anyways. Because I think it´s a great DIY.

So my tip of the day, is to make your own envelope.

You can use anything, I had an old comic paper at home, with The bionic woman on the cover.

Then just wrap it around the content.

And don´t forget a stamp or two. Right now you can buy this lovely ones in Sweden. Makes me want to eat icecream!

Yes and by the way, the hardest part about all this is to rebember to post the letter. This letter has been traveling with me all weekend to the contryside and back.


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Jenny Brandt
November 28, 2011 at 16:57

Oh My! I can not wait to get this gorgeous letter delivered to my door step.