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  • Mama’s got a brand new bag!

    This post is a collaboration with Eduards Accessories. When it comes to clothes I find something I like and I wear it ALL the time until I can’t look at it anymore. So I’m not a big purse/bag spender. My old bag I had 4-ever and I had such a hard time finding something new that fitted my standards. It has to be an over shoulder bag (I don’t get…

  • Isabelle’s trying on some new clothes

            This post is a kind of collaboration with the store Grandpa. I’m writing kind of because they never asked me to do this and I didn’t get anything for it. But they helped me out lending me some clothes when I had to do a press photo session last week. I used to share office with the Grandpa team and they are truly fantastic. Fun, varm & cool. And…

  • Hello, if you have forgotten me here I am! Isabelle selfie overload

    So I told you about my 9-5 job already. The job that’s been the most fun ever but also killed my spare-time and social life. I’ve ben totally knackered. Enough about that but that’s been the reason for me going AWOL on this blog. Yesterday  my daughter came home from a week abroad. When the plane landed and she was picking up her bag I send her a photo of…