Toys that our kids actually play with


What toys are your kids actually using?
Viola has never been that into toys. She prefers active things, like swimming, running and dancing. She´s had some brief periods of time with Barbie but has not really engaged in it like Frank has. He can play with lego or his transformers for hours. Frank is five, and does not want to get rid of anything in his room. He likes his stuffed animals, his big plastic parking garage, his pirates and all the other knick-knacks from various fast food joints. Viola however has no toys left in her room. She is 10.

So in retrospect I must say that these gymnastic rings are the best toy we´ve ever given Viola. She and her friends have spent so much time in them.
Dosfamily has written about these “Ekorre” rings from IKea before. See more here!

Unfortunately Ikea does not carry these anymore.



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April 27, 2015 at 17:44

My daughter is five and sounds similar to Frank! Loves her stuffed animals, Playmobil, Sylvanian Families, and doesn’t want to get rid of ANYTHING.

Jenny Brandt
April 27, 2015 at 21:49
– In reply to: Ilona

Oooo sylvanian family!! When I was a child I had the bear family and the rabbit family. So cute.

April 28, 2015 at 23:13

my daughter is 5 and hardly plays with the toys people have bought for her. Although she still insists I keep everything! But we have a rule: for every birthday or Christmas she has to pay the same amount of toys she gets forward, to kids less fortunate! Works pretty well! Sticker books are her favourite!