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  • New work for Family Living & Beckers

    There was a competition in the magazine Family Living called “The most ugly kids room in Sweden” and the prize was a room make over by me with the help of Beckers. The very cool 11 year old, Polly Lee was the winner so just before x-mas we went and did her room. Polly wanted white walls and popping colors. A fun room. Where she could put her things on…

  • Photos of summer, art and Darth Maul

    I leave you this Friday with 3 pictures in black and white. 1. Frank and his friend Nelly enjoying the summer sun. 2. Our Print, This Is Art, in black and white. 3. Our dandelion keeper, Darth Maul.   Have a nice weekend

  • What would kids Imaginary friends look like in real?

    What would kids imaginary friends look like if you made them real? A project gave children in Britain the chance to explain in detail their ideas of their personal friend and got help by the  London’s Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood, together with some animators & model-makers. Very cool and maybe something to try making with your kids at home? Above is Ruth Fekade with her “Lily the cat”and…