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  • Blue

    I’ve been sorting thousands of photos on my computer today. Here are a few with the color blue. Above is my blue hat. Blue eyes, wallpaper and robe. “Ika i rutan” look fab on a blue backdrop. Phone book with blue stripes Blue scuba gear

  • Jenny will be at FARMERS MARKET 16 – 17 SEPTEMBER

    I will be selling our art from jennyojens.com at the Farmers Market in Tvååker. Read more about it here: Strömma Farmlodge or here:  Farmers Market or on Facebook

  • Reading like a King

    Today you will find me on this sofa. Reading the book “It”. Stephen King is how I started reading. I was not the “Anne of Green Gables”- kind of reader, who borrowed a stack of books from the library and came back one week later for another stack. It took me forever to get trough one single book, and I read only cause school made me. I did however like…