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  • Isabelle reads Hush Hush saga

    Okay fantasy lovers- have you been reading the Hush Hush Saga yet? Must be the young adult saga that most reminds me of Twilight as of yet.  It’s another a bit clumpsy but type A girl that falls for the mysterious, chiseled, old (about 700 years) but still a boy on the outside  – bad boy. Aren’t they all and haven’t they got over hanging out with 16 year old…

  • Queen of the landfill

      When I was driving to the city dump yesterday to recycle some of our junk I saw something pretty. In the middle of all that trash someone (who should be rewarded) has placed this little face on top of a big rock.

  • Jenny´s Interview in Grazia -mag

    I was interviewed by the French magazine Grazia a while back. I don´t know French but here are some of the questions they asked me, in English. Name: Jenny Brandt Job: Photographer and blogger dosfamily.com and webshop owner sammyrose.se Family: I live with Jens Grönberg, illustrator. And kids: Viola 7 and Frank 3 Where do you live: We live in the country side of Ystad Sweden. In a house from…