Timmy´s scrapbook
I bought this book at an antique mall in the US. It says “Timmy´s scrapbook” on the tag. And I want to show it to everyone that comes to our house, I place it on the guest lap and say: “Look what I found, so many sweet scraps, so neat, the pictures say a lot about their collector: Timmy, don´t you think? he has chosen every single one of them, right. It´s like a little story” I say as I turn the pages for the viewer.
Timmy has collected images and neatly placed them in this book made from fabric with scalloped edges. It´s devided in some sort of chapters. Spring. “things to do with dad”. summer. outdoors.Baseball. fall. pets. winter. snowing and christmas and so on.
Remember my “Just -do-it-or it-wont-get-done“-philosophy on scrapbooking? Well, I don´t think Timmy would have been to impressed with it.
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
it’s very nice and pretty nostalgic!
It is a great book!
Amazing !!!