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  • We’re building a small treehouse

    Första riktiga dagen på lovet så började ungarna tjata om att bygga en trädkoja. När ens barn plötsligt vill göra något annat än stirra på olika devices så gäller det att fort som fan bara säga ja och go with the flow. Jag var så sjukt osugen. Ville liksom fixa med huset. Tänkte att barnen kommer ju tröttna efter två sekunder och då står jag där med en halvfärdig koja…

  • The things that irritates me now that I’ll miss later

    Kids stuff laying all over the place. I like fun cool kids toys. But not everywhere all the time. Stepping on Lego parts, finding superman in the fridge, sleeping with too many soft toys in my bed. Yeah, the cat agrees. It’s annoying. They put their pens, books, drawings, toys, small branches that looks like laser swards, lego, balls well you name it – pretty much everywhere. And never cleans…

  • This is now a snow porn blog

    We waited for so long but then finally the snow showed up! This is by our cottage. In the woods next to our house there are these little houses for maps. So cute. But the maps are missing. Not very cute. Small cool old loopy sheds randomly everywhere. A couple of days ago we went up north to Sälen to go skiing with some friends. It’s been really cold -15…