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  • Miniature Halloween Costume – Cyclops Make Up By DosFamily

    Happy Halloween all you eyes out there. Here is the the perfect costume for you. All you need is your eye and a makeup pencil. This one is from H&M and costs 19 SEK. Pin It

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  • Halloween King

    On Halloween you can be who ever you want. This is Viola when she was 5 and wanted to be king of the world. With a few stitches you can turn some leafs into a crown. And an old sheep skin into a cloak. To emphasis this kings stern look she got some extra paint to her eyebrows. And some lipsstick on her cheeks to show her temper.  

  • ghosts from the past I salute you

        Found this link with old Halloween photo’s and my evening is complete! And don’t miss this link with the same theme! Enjoy!