Morning in the back yard
It´was raining so hard last night. The thunder was rolling in and I couldn´t sleep. So I read #Girlboss and listened to the rain. It was so nice, finally some cool air it´s been way to hot for my liking lately. This morning everything is so fresh in the back yard so I took a stroll with my camera. Today I´m headed to Malmö to photograph two families for a…
May 30, 2016 -
Sommarprojekt – tälja en port?
Gick igång så stenhårt på att göra en sådan här port på landet. Tänkt va fin som ingång till trädgården? Med grinden mitt i? Har ingen aning om hur man gör den men en enklare version på något sätt kanske? Kanske att själva bågen görs först och sen kan man gå ut och tälja lite när andan faller på? en liten groda en onsdag och kanske en vråk veckan efter?…
May 13, 2016 -
Going to go get a trampoline today
This is what happend to our neighbours trampoline when a tree was taken down inbetween our two yards, a few years back. BOOM! The loud crash attracted the whole village as the two guys with the chainsaw and busted toe ropes looked traumatized. It had dawned on them too late, the wires that they´d attached to the tractor was not going to take the tree´s full weight. They were already more…
April 4, 2016
Dosfamily.com breaking the norm one room at a time, since 2009.
Photographer Jenny Brandt and Designer Isabelle McAllister met online and this decor blog is their digital love child.
These girls put all their love, pink paint and neon lights into this rebel design blog.
This is the interior alternative you´ve been looking for.