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  • Dosfamily DIY Turn your My Little Pony Castle Into Pure Gold

    It´s funny- I love the color pink- but usually I don´t like things that are originally made in pink. I prefer things that are customized with pink. Like a pink orange I would love. Or a pink cow or a crocodile or any animal really. Or a trash bag, toilet seat or TV or even a house. You get my drift? Take Barbie´s furniture for instans, it´s always pink. So…

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  • …. and here is the lamp

    Here it is- the lamp I was telling you about in the previous post.

  • Jenny finds everything she is looking for on Ebay

    It´s been way to long since we talked about Ebay. Please let me know if you´ve found anything fun lately. And in return I´ll show you mine. Hope you like them. Let´s start with the best one: Photo of Liberace and two ladies. Liberace. What a extraordinary human. This photo I really want have already bought. Can´t wait to get it.   Plastic Right leg. One morning as I signed…