That 17 hour work day last week – and 900km later – hour by hour
06.30 After dragging myself out of the nice bed. The ordinary crazy hour started. With oats and eggs. Please do you have any good oatmeal variations? I always eat it with fresh berries, milk, banana & grated coconut. But I need some new stuff! Tried overnight oats this morning with oats, chia seeds, and cocoa mixed in coconut milk. It was awful. haha 7.20 Look what some make up can…
November 28, 2017 -
This is what my days looks like while filming
Every morning I wake a little too late. I always forget the little detail that the whole family needs breakfast. I also think my hubby sleeps in for a bit since he has been making the breakfast for most of our 13 years since I’m not really known as speedy gonzales in the morning (but when I gain my speed – damn). So now he is kind of letting me…
May 1, 2017 -
Den ostädade och ack så fina söndagsförmiddagen
Vi har nog inte riktigt lärt oss det här med två våningar än. Saker flyttas upp och ner mest hela tiden. Och det klassiska att kidsen vill vara där vi är stämmer väldigt bra. Det är ju härligt men samtidigt så används ju inte halva lyan. Jag testar det här med avokadokärnor i vatten. Har funkat fint på två av de fem jag började med. Jag tog dem från mogna…
June 6, 2016
Dosfamily.com breaking the norm one room at a time, since 2009.
Photographer Jenny Brandt and Designer Isabelle McAllister met online and this decor blog is their digital love child.
These girls put all their love, pink paint and neon lights into this rebel design blog.
This is the interior alternative you´ve been looking for.