Nesting – när jag boade in dottern
Den svenska bloggsfären har baby-yra. Brita fick precis barn, Emmas Vintage får snart sin andra lilla, Emma Elwin är tjusig i sin mage, hej Reginas lilla Ines växer så det knakar och Elsa Billgren boar in sig och gör ett babyrum i Äntligen Hemma precis som jag gjorde för tio år sedan. Det känns som ganska mycket har hänt på dessa tio år. Så mycket att jag knappt vet vad…
March 17, 2016 -
New work for Family Living & Beckers
There was a competition in the magazine Family Living called “The most ugly kids room in Sweden” and the prize was a room make over by me with the help of Beckers. The very cool 11 year old, Polly Lee was the winner so just before x-mas we went and did her room. Polly wanted white walls and popping colors. A fun room. Where she could put her things on…
February 23, 2016 -
The things that irritates me now that I’ll miss later
Kids stuff laying all over the place. I like fun cool kids toys. But not everywhere all the time. Stepping on Lego parts, finding superman in the fridge, sleeping with too many soft toys in my bed. Yeah, the cat agrees. It’s annoying. They put their pens, books, drawings, toys, small branches that looks like laser swards, lego, balls well you name it – pretty much everywhere. And never cleans…
February 3, 2016
Dosfamily.com breaking the norm one room at a time, since 2009.
Photographer Jenny Brandt and Designer Isabelle McAllister met online and this decor blog is their digital love child.
These girls put all their love, pink paint and neon lights into this rebel design blog.
This is the interior alternative you´ve been looking for.