One would think that the reward should come on Friday when you are done with everything. But I can not wait that long. Some of you might already have guessed what the reward is.
FLOWERS of course! Bring as many as you can into your home. After a long and cold winter this is exactly what my heart desires. Buy them or pick them just as long as you have them.
Just look at that promiscuous Magnolia ready to burst. Lovely. Or those very rare Manbuds below, they make me happy.
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
Absolutely LOVE your flower portraits! :D
Fint fint!!
just adorable! makes me laugh!
Odd, but appealing.
love the feeling of collage!!
När jag såg att ni vårstädade, så tänkte jag att ni borde läsa den här bloggen (om ni inte gör det redan), så glömde jag bort det, men nu kom jag på det igen. Det handlar mycket om vintage housekeeping, och hon får det formligen att spritta av städlust!