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  • Monday in the studio

    Jens and I photographed our home and studio for a German magazine yesterday. It was great cause it made us do things we´ve been procrastinating for so long. Like hanging some art in the studio and installing som lamps. Above- me and my space pants. Some of the art is from our own shop www.sammyrose.se

  • Styled

    This is me, 5 minutes ago, taking my breakfast, standing in the studio. Dressed in my usual work uniform that I wrote a post about here . The coat I´m wearing is from COS. Isabelle convinced me to buy it when we went to Copenhagen. She has such a great influence on me and my shopping. She gave me a gentle but firm push into buying this blue dress and also this…

  • Jenny and Jens´Studio

    We are thrilled with our studio. It was a long process getting it built but now I can´t see how we managed without it. Before the studio we had all our work in our house. Boxes of inventories in the livingroom, computer and drawing boards on the dinnertable. Stacks of paper and ideas under our bed. Now we can keep it seperate. It´s so nice. I´ve started hanging our prints…