A quick hello
Monday. I feel alright – thank you for asking! Today I have been hit on by a 70 year old. “I’ll be at the coffee place on the corner if you feel like it”, I also tried a menstrual cup for the first time and I’m telling you it’s a vjj revolution! Once you go cup you will never go buck! Wow- I am amazed. I also paid way to…
April 29, 2013
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Dosfamily.com breaking the norm one room at a time, since 2009.
Photographer Jenny Brandt and Designer Isabelle McAllister met online and this decor blog is their digital love child.
These girls put all their love, pink paint and neon lights into this rebel design blog.
This is the interior alternative you´ve been looking for.
Isabelle McAllister.
Instagram did not return a 200.Jenny Brandt.
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