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  • I found a door and made another room for my tween

    When we moved to this apartment I thought it was a great idea to have the lower floor entirely devoted to the kids. It was where the kitchen used to be but suited us much better like this. I started out making a little hut like a room in the room (watch it here on my you tube channel) but the kids kind of hated it. I really don't know…
  • – Do you really know how to make a fire?”

    Two things I didn't know I wanted but got when moving into this apartment a couple of years ago was 1. A really big and nice bathroom 2. A fire place. But now in deep winter there is pretty nothing nicer than to take 1. a bath in a roomy bathroom preferable with locked door and a new eisode of let's say Greys Anatomy. 2. Making a fire and snuggle…
  • Isabelle’s home in a newly released book – New Nordic color & in Architectural Digest

      Before the summer I had photographer Beth Evans & stylist Sania Pell here at home. It is always interesting seeing your home thru other peoples eyes. They made a book called New Nordic Color & these images are taken from that book. It is written by Antonia Af Petersen Architectural Digest featured these images and the text from de book. If you want to read the full story about med…