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  • Morning jog in suburban Seattle eller 7 sorters gran

    For a week we’ve been staying at my hubbies family in Seattle in a suburb called Lake Forrest park. It’s been great! The afamily is very nice, actually the first time I met them all since it’s the first time we went to Seattle since I met him in 2003. This suburb is so green- well thewhole Seattle area is greener than green. With big trees and atleast 7 different…

  • Paint your greens & blues! Even more color inspo.

    Hur kan man bo i ett helt vitt hem? Jag måste säga att jag förstår att det känns lättare och blir fint på bild. Men när jag scrollar runt bland bilderna i min Pinterest mapp så blir jag så himla lycklig. Det är ju så tjusigt med färg. Och kolla idén med tavlan! // I understand that it feels easier and is easy to paint your home in White –…

  • vintage toys I can not get enough

    It is so much fun shopping toys second hand. It is a lot cheaper and a lot more cool looking in my opinion.