My hair and I working late in the studio. #purplehair #stopmotion music by #giltrythall on the #moog Ett filmklipp publicerat av Jenny Dosfamily.com (@jennyfromdosfamily) Maj 10, 2016 kl. 12:50 PDT My hair and I working late in the studio. You are following me on instagram right? @jennyfromdosfamily PS: The brilliant music is by Gil Trythall. He plays the moog. Pin It
Pin ItMay 11, 2016 -
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Dosfamily.com breaking the norm one room at a time, since 2009.
Photographer Jenny Brandt and Designer Isabelle McAllister met online and this decor blog is their digital love child.
These girls put all their love, pink paint and neon lights into this rebel design blog.
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Isabelle McAllister.
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