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  • Olafur at Moderna

    I didn’t know a thing about Olafur Eliasson before going to the museum Moderna yesterday. I’ve seen lots of images on Instagram and saw that it was colorful but not much more. I did however really like it – we all did! So many cool things, details, colors and feelings came up.  The kids mostly makes it clear how they not wanna go to an exhibition but then enjoy the big…

  • I’m on the Grandpa show!

    För ett par veckor sedan var jag med i the Grandpa Show tillsammans med Sneakers ERik som är en av grundarna av SneakersnStuff. Jag och Erik känner varandra sen vi var teens typ och Martin som intervjuar och hela Grandpa gänget har jag delat kontor med. Så det här samtalet var kul! Vi pratar hållbarhet, världserövring (som jag funderar på och Erik faktiskt gör… hmm) och vad som får oss…

  • The man behind the artwork

    How a pancake becomes a moon on an album cover, how it is driving 3 hours to a beautiful little cottage to plug in computers and stare at a screen all day together with Axwell and how life is in the village in Skåne where Jenny & Jens lives. Check it all out in this little min documentary about Jens Grönberg who does all the artwork for the Axtone label.…