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  • Dos Visit Marcus and Ulrika and their family

    Today I´m taking you to a house tour in Skurup, a southern small town in Sweden. The house belongs to Marcus and Ulrika and their son Sixten and his twin sisters Hedda and Edith. Marcus trade is the re-use of wood. He makes all kinds of cool things from leftover furniture, driftwood and other abounded materials. Check out this flamingo he made! And this vulture. And also this water station…

  • Dos Visit Jenny´s own home 2013

    Today we are going to take a deep dive into my own home. Let´s talk about the color pink. Why we have a stern women in our bathroom. John Waters. A rooster. A golden unicorn. A dead badger. And pencils without lids. This tour was featured on Design Sponge´s Sneak Peak a while back. You can read a little bit more there! Enjoy! We removed some cabinets in our kitchen…

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  • The DosFamily Bear and Viola at SciFiWorld in Malmö Part 3 -Some pictures of great people

    This is the final part from our visit at SciFiWorld in Malmö. Read Part 1 here! and Part 2 here! Let´s talk a little bit more about the people who got all dressed up and went to the Sci Fi world meet up in Malmö a couple of weeks ago. Viola and I were only there for a few hours and I am sure there were many more showing up…