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  • Life at Jenny’s House

    It’s been way to long since I did a quick “Life at Jenny’s house” I think I need to keep my camera closer to get more snaps from our everyday life.  We’ve been adding carpets and curtains to make our studio feel cozy and warm. We also painted our music shelf black. I’m adding some new photographs to jennyojens.com this weekend. Inspiration on the wall. More inspiration on the wall. and…

  • Jenny will be at FARMERS MARKET 16 – 17 SEPTEMBER

    I will be selling our art from jennyojens.com at the Farmers Market in Tvååker. Read more about it here: Strömma Farmlodge or here:  Farmers Market or on Facebook

  • Reading like a King

    Today you will find me on this sofa. Reading the book “It”. Stephen King is how I started reading. I was not the “Anne of Green Gables”- kind of reader, who borrowed a stack of books from the library and came back one week later for another stack. It took me forever to get trough one single book, and I read only cause school made me. I did however like…