Things I’ve watched, remarked and listened to lately
My very dear friend Blenda & me share the love for chic lit and she gave me the tip of watching Younger. Made by Darren Star – same as Sex & the city. And also the clothes are by Patricia Field and they’re not disappointing! Ok the show can be quite silly, sometimes predictable and a bit cliché. But I still really enjoyed it. You know New York, love, fun quick banter. Well I’m also a person who are able to totally get into worlds when I watch them. A nice escape from reality. Also the plot is about a suburban mom, just turned 40 who get’s divorced and moves to the City but has to lie about her age because her 18 year house wife gap doesn’t really gives her any credit to get right back into working life.
Also this suits my mood for now. Thinking alot about being 40 and what I used to do, what I’m not doing anymore, and what in all this I want to do...
Hillary Duff is in it – love her for this post. The male lead ain’t to bad either.
For swedes it’s streaming on TV4 online right now.
Over the holidays we did what we always do in the cabin. Watched every Harry Potter movie. We have them on dvd with a big old school – fat tv (as we say in swedish). And I never get tired of them. but the big question this year was- Why did Voldermort become so evil. And OMG prayer have been heard. This is the Voldermort fan fiction movie. I havn’t watched it yet but I’m rushing home from work as we speak!

Björn Jeffery is the founder of Toca Boca and stepped off as CFo during last year. He has a very nice list of 2017 complied by every month on his blog that I really enjoyed reading. With all kinds of reflections and tips of thing to read, listen to and see. I loved the tip about Alec Baldwins pod – Here’s the thing with guest QuestLove from the Roots. I somewhat forgot about Here’s the thing but glad I’m back listening. Also wanting Questloves book now and the one about creativity coming later this year.
Black Mirror has a pretty new season out on Netflix. We actually watched some episodes with the kids. Loved the Arkangel that Jodie Foster directed. And Nosedive from season 2 (I think) is still a favorite. Every episode is a story free of it’s own (I’m sure that has an English name but I don’t have it at the moment) And all ep’s are about the future. Different takes on what can happen in the future with all new tech that is coming (and some we can only dream about – maybe even nightmares)

So when I’ve been laying in the sofa like this. Well my sofa is softer than this bench but at least we wear the same zoned out smug on our faces.
This cat also took a chill pill
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It is totally cool to see who created Toca Boca!!! I had no idea it is a Swedish app company! Thanks for giving me something to do on a Friday night!!