Life At Jenny´s House
I´m going through old magazines today. Recycling some and keeping others. I want to declutter and get organized. January always has that effect on me. (Don´t worry I´ll be back to my normal messy self by February)
People often ask me about our cabinet that Jens decorated for me. You can read about how he did it here!
I will never get rid of my Domino magazines. I bought my first one in 2007 in the US, and became obsessed with it and ordered all the old issues on Ebay. (Yes I´m a manic). With style and trends changing so fast I never keep any magazines for that long but these don´t get old in the same way. Perhaps the style is not as trendy more classic but fun.
This “The New Yorker” issue is a keeper as well cause Viola says that the couple look like Jens and I.
I find that so funny and true.
There we are- just the two of us enjoying a slow evening together. Me with my coffee and Jens with a smoothie. Checking up on things online on our devices. Jens is probably tagging me on some obscure Instagram account right that very minute and I´m probably busing googling for some random Nutella recepies or searching: “Is beekeeping hard work” or “will there ever by a boy born, who can swim faster than a shark”
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
Hihi, så kul, ser ju precis ut som ni gör ju! Heja Viola! Och stackars, läste om matförgiftningen här nedanför. Minns att jag hade en sådan från helvetet, en gång när vi var hos mina svärföräldrar. Finns inget värre än att vara sjuk borta liksom. Även om de runt omkring en är väldigt snälla. Usch, det här skulle väl inte handla om spy? NÄ!
Erat skåp är ju verkligen snyggt och kul och häftigt! Och kul att ni är hemma. Har saknat er här inne.
Great house!
What is the magazine under “The New Yorker”?
Its a book by photographer Martin Schoeller, called Portraits