Details from Emilia´s home
This is Emilia. A really cool person that Isabelle and I have met trough the wonderful world of Internet. She invited us for some fika (visiting over coffee) at her home. I brought my camera , like I always do, and took some pictures of things that caught my eye. Today I am going to show some of those pictures. But first, let me explain something…
People often ask me: “Jenny what do you do?”
This is my answer: I am a photographer and I am crazy about how people live. Lucky for me I get to photograph homes for interior magazines. I have loved home decor since I was a small child. Back then I had never even seen a decor magazine so I got my kicks from the IKEA catalog and from the homes I saw on TV. I even made blue prints of some of those homes. Like the Simpson´s home and the Huxtables house. The home of “Full House” was my favorite. I wanted both DJ Tanner´s room and her hair ( see me trying here!)
Home decor has infected my brain and I love visiting people to see how they live. Becoming a interior photographer gave me the perfect cover.
With that title I can ask people who I find interesting if I can come over to their home. (As I did when I saw Toby in a store). People let their guard down and answer my questions about this and that. They accept my snooping around as a part of my job.
Now let´s get back to Emilia´s home…
That tray of food looks delicious.
Black chalkboard paint- I will never tire of this. So versatile.
And kids standing on top of furniture – I will never tire of this. So versatile.
This looks exciting. But it´s in German so I don´t understand it.
Emilia´s mother and her dad looking like a superstar with his film camera at the boarder of Afghanistan and Pakistan in 1981.
Emilia is crazy about mix tapes. She has made some sweet spotify lists for us in the past. See/listen to them here!
That flower jacket is a joy
Another fine thing about visiting is the fika of course. “Fika” is such a great Swedish word. And is to be used like this. “Hey let´s go to my house for a fika” It is like a snack and a chat. For grownups it is usually coffee or tea with something sweet or a sandwich. For kids it could be juice and biscuits. Eating something “small” together and catching up at the same time.
Things shot from above
Emilia´s friends Mats Udd and Anna made this doll-portrait of her.
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
Love all the cool little details
I love the idea behind ‘fika’!!!
What a colorful pictures! Love it!
Eftersom alla ovan mig här påstår att de älskar någonting så… måste jag nog göra det också, känner jag. Och då blir det i så fall att jag älskar dig – Jenny! Huh? Där satte någon förmiddagsfikat i vrångstrupen hörde jag. Hihi. Men jag menar så här; att jag känner igen mig så väl i din nyfikenhet på andras hem och därför älskar jag att via din nyfikna lins få följa med på husesyn lite här och var i världen!
När någon frågar – med en låtsat förströdd blick på någon jättehög med tidningar – om jag är jätteintresserad av inredning? Så brukar jag svara; Nä. Det är inte det jag är mest intresserad av – utan av hur folk har det. Jag vill veta hur folk har det – där hemma. Tycker särskilt om när man hittar en massa bevis på att folk hittar på en massa annat kreativt än att damma hela dagarna…
Så puss på dig Jenny ;) och tack för att jag fick komma in och kika hos Emilia en stund. Tydligen finns det en del som hinner vara både kreativa Och städa. Hm. Suck.
My favourites are the toilet roll holder and keyboard. Great inspiration!
[…] Jenny Brandt from Dosfamily took some pictures at my place a year ago. You can now see them at Dela det här:FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedInLike this:Like Loading… This entry was posted in […]
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