Watch TV with your kids- here is the perfect movie!
I´ve talked about this before, in the “Dos in January“-post, but here I go again. Thinking back at the times when mom and dad watched TV with the younger me makes me all fuzzy inside.
Viola and I watch plenty of TV and every now and then we do watch together. I try to show her movies that I liked when I was her age. So far this has worked. “Släpp Fångarna Loss Det Är Vår” a Swedish classic from 1975, by Tage Danielsson (who passed away way to early) is one movie we´ve watched together alot. It´s a funny story about two people determent to find prisoner Harald, his hidden talent. (It turns out he is awesome at making cookies.)
The actors are divine and the overall look of the movie is so cool and when I watch it as an adult I realize this movie has influenced the way I look through my camera a lot.
It is in Swedish, but if you find a subtitled version you have to promise me to watch it!
The clip below shows the awesome house that Tage and Lena share. It is customized to fit his needs as a tall person and hers as a not-so-tall person. Even the pictures on Lenas wall are small when his are not. Love this!
PS: Click here to see how we made the frame for Viola´s TV
Love the styling of this film. Here Margaretha Krook is tricking the prison warden so she can run off with one of the inmates for a little randevu.
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Åh detta klippet är ju fullkomligt underbart! Har bara hört talas om det förut men inte sett. Älskar Tage och Lena. Så himla bra! :)
ellen @
Ellen! Ja eller hur. Glad att du äntligen fått sett det.
I’ve never seen it, maybe I should…
I think it perhaps makes difference what you watch? I detest my teen watching stuff like Topmodel and such, but love to watch movies and “pappas pengar” with her. It’s such cosy time together, and it is together because we laugh about funny things that we can talk about later:)
Fröken prickig:
Jo absolut! Men jag är ett resultat av väldigt mycket tv-tittande. och det mesta jag såg på klassas som skräp.
Jag tycker abslut du ska se den. väldigt underhållande.
Åh, vilka minnen du framkallar! Jag fullkomligt älskade den filmen när jag var liten och kunde den utantill. Tack för påminnelsen!
Jenny svarar: hah! kul.
Jag har inte heller sett den men nu ska jag kolla!
i can’t understand a word of swedish but that was so funny! i recognise their tv is the same as yours.
Jenny´s answer: haha I did not think about that. hah! but yes you are right. Thank you for telling me!
En av världens bästa filmer!
jag bor i en lägenhet . jag har ett eget rum. fast jag har städat käns dät stökit.
dät är omysit. jag vil ha det fint