Kathleen Hanna – The Punk Singer documentary, Mike D interview and how my Sunday folded.
I’m on my way to Örebro – going to give a talk about trends and I start my train journey early in the Sunday morning researching beats for an upcoming podcast project I’m doing (yay). When surfing the net I stumbled upon this Vulture interview with Beastie Boy Mike D. I found it such a great read. He talks about being nomadic with his kids:
“So your moving around is about trying to avoid cultural homogeneity?
It’s that I want my kids to experience diversity. I think it’s important to travel the world with them. And it’s also about breaking open the myth that the United States is this leading majority. We’re not. Indonesia, where we’ve been living, is going to overtake the U.S. in population within my kids’ lifetime. I want to my kids to have the opportunity to see themselves as a citizen of the world and not only America — whatever the hell America means today. At this point, in the world of Trump’s politics, there’s so much upside to be had by breaking down the whole idea of nationalism. My kids’ peers at school are from all around the world, not just the Upper West Side or Brooklyn. I really think that helps them think differently about the world in a positive way.”
This is something I’m exploring as well at the moment and I’ll get back about it soon. Because a lot of change is coming for the McAllister family soon.
But I also really enjoyed him saying stuff like:
“I’m interested in trying to do things that I feel like I have no business doing. Because that was part of what we did as a band. We weren’t afraid to try shit.”
Something that also resonates with me alot. I want to experience thing, to try stuff. Att hänga löst as we say in Sweden. Not really knowing what you are doing but still try to enjoy your flow and your experience within that not really knowing sparks a lot och creativity.

And this sentence:
“I guess I can say it like this: Adulthood is overrated; maturity is underrated.”
I often get the feeling that when it comes to what I like to do, enjoy and work with it has a certain playfulness that doesn’t have to be linked to Not being mature. For me it’s just a way to live more freely.
Somehow people tend to have an idea of what it is to live as an adult and do stuff just because. But I think is a rather pre-designed way of living instead of a way that you yourself maybe wants to live.

Via this interview I got to this one – Adam Horovitz – AD Rock interview in GQ.
and in there they talk about Adams wife – super mega cool feminist activist and punk Riot Grrrl Kathleen Hanna. There is this documentary about her called The Punk Singer (above).
And now I have my Sunday plans set! Another tip in this genre is Swedish Grrrlcollection
Well just some things for you to enjoy!