A day with working out, breakfast in city & learning numbers
First up – I woke finding this splendid heaven outside my windows. And then decided to have a typical breakkie. Oatmeal with berries, banana, coconut & milk. Plus 2 eggs. Any day I eat something different for breakfast I don’t have as good food day. But oats can sometimes really grow in your mouth. Do you have any good variations on doing hot oatmeal?

Love the spring light in the mornings. Can you spot the art I di for the tv – watch more about it here in this clip.
This morning I had a second breakfast down at Luzette with my dear friend Blenda. I also managed to loose my camera on the subway. I steppend into the wagon and it was gone – suddenly a man steps in next to me (the train was full to the rim) with my camera but without knowing it was mine. I don’t know how I lost it but suddenly we both realized it was mine and I got it back. Weird. But good.
An hour later it was time to head towards Södermalm again. Stockholm was pretty! I also got a phone call that someone found my subway card on the other side of town on the ground !! I never loose stuff – now twice in one day and I got it all back!
Sat in front of the computer for a while at the studio. Still need some extra details on this wall. Find it a bit too funeraly. To sober for me.
Went to the gym. I ‘ve been training with a personal trainer called Zebbe all year. And I love it. Such a treat having him around telling me how great I am doing haha. Nice to feel strong and to find muscles I didn’t even know I had.
After work out I mostly shower at home and eat some lunch. Usually the cat sits here to greet me on top of the stairs. But not today…
I got some cats in the mail instead. A nice new poster from ‘Lisa Bengtsson. Love her crazy world of prints!
Found some candy that my dad gave the family for valentines. He is great like that, my dad. Always bringing some small treats. The drawing is from someone in Tokyo that made me & Eriks portraits long ago and far away. Can you tell it’s us?
I love the new green color in the kitchen. It’s called Toad and comes from Engelska Tapetmagasinet. And I also ordered a new toaster- finally. Do you remember when I made this one?
Back to the studio and my studio mate Stina PErsson had made lots of wonderful stuff. She is so productive. Everyday the floor gets filled with fantastic drawings <3
Picked up Beppe from school and sat in the cold working for an hour next to the soccer field. Here I’m talking to Jenny about this new site.
I also got a pretty nasty wound at my work out session earlier. Clumsy me. But I kind of in a young brat kind of way, rather like scars. I get a bit Famcho about it.
Not hte best quality on this image but boy look how cute he is. My kids cooks one evening each a week. Tonight it was Beppes turn. PAsta Bolognese. Yum.
Finished the day with som math. We’re trying really hard to put away the phones and do some other kind of learning. It’s hard. We don’t always succeed. But I do think it’s worth it.
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Is Toad greener in reality than the swaps at Little Greene? Also wondering is it the same amazing brownish green that is in the Artilleriet kitchen?!
Well Helena is both. Sometimes Its grey, sometimes green and sometimes more yellow Brown. The color has it all depending on the light! And yes Its the same as artilleriet studio !