pussy power hat project
I’ve been crafting this weekend. Making mini Pussyhats for things in our house. The amazing gatherings around the world for the Womens March got me going. Since I’m not into crowds (not even crowds of amazing people) I did not go marching, instead I made a small army in the privacy of my own home.
The figurin above of a girl comforting her doll is my favourit.
It was not hard finding pink material. That color is everywhere in our house. I started out with a bra, duct tape, and some random tiny plastic toys that had cat ears. Batman looked like the perfect match but his ears turned out to be too tall and too pointy. I continued scalping my way through the kids toy box and finally found a little dog that gave me the perfect hat for the girl’s doll above. The girl got her fuzzy hat from a stuffed puppy that I found in the basement.
I picked this guy up at a fleamarket, he was practically begging me for a hat.
Nail polish is great for crafting.
This little one needed something to fit a Marie Antoinett crowd.
Jens and me in the studio.
Yes, I know The My Little Pony scalp would make the perfect hat for my project but I could not bare to cut her, so I manipulated a picture of her and me instead.