Doggy Daycare


Monday morning.
We have a new member of the Jenny and Jens studio. His name is Elliot, he is 6 months old and prances around the studio on his four legs wagging his tale while we work. He will be with us during the days when his family is at work/school.

So far it´s going great. He really loves Jens and has found a spot on the floor were he enjoys to sleep..

Today I´m preparing my talk that I´m giving at the immigration center this week. It´s in front of a small group of people who are taking their Swedish lessons there. I´ve been told they will understand me if I talk slow. =)
I´m going to talk about my grandfather Sven who worked for the military, tending to their horses at Strömsholms Castle. During his spare time he took a lot of photographs. A LOT. and now all those photos are in my care.
I´ve been wanting to do something with this collection for a long time, and this talk might be just what I need to get started.
There are so many everyday-type of photographs from the 50´s when my mom and her siblings grew up.  He photographed the same type of things that I photograph now, 70 years later. Family stuff like breakfast, swimming and haning out.

I´m bringing my mom so she can help me getting all the facts straight.



Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

August 22, 2016 at 10:52

Hej, Jenny! Tycker verkligen om din blogg, og forlåt mig för det här, men när du skriver på PC/mac användar du ´ där du borde använda ‘. I stället för I´m borde det stå I´m, om du hajar. Verkligen inte meningen att vara oschysst, hoppas du inte tar illa. Det skulle bara göra texten i din blogg bättre om du brukade rätt tecken.

Jenny Brandt
August 22, 2016 at 11:07
– In reply to: Andrea

Hej Andrea! Tack. ja det ser så knas ut när det hamnar på olika rader. ska genast ändra det!