Going to go get a trampoline today


This is what happend to our neighbours trampoline when a tree was taken down inbetween our two yards, a few years back.

The loud crash attracted the whole village as the two guys with the chainsaw and busted toe ropes looked traumatized. It had dawned on them too late, the wires that they´d attached to the tractor was not going to take the tree´s full weight. They were already more then half way through the tree trunk when the ropes snapped one by one, everyone gasped, seconds later the tree cracked, and fell straight inbetween our houses, we all ran, not sure where it would end up. The massive tree landed with a bounce (the trampolines last bounce) and then crashed. Twigs and branches flew everywhere as in slow motion, piercing our yard like spears. It looked like a battle field.
See Britney below for how I felt and looked:


It tuned out ok in the end and no one was hurt. The neighbour girl even said she was kind of sick of her trampoline anyway. Today we´re wearing our spending pants (Swedish expresion for when you feel like spending money) and buying our kids a big trampoline for our yard. They will be so excited.

PS. It was inches away from our newly built playhouse (See it here, on my old blog)