So inspired by – Afripedia

Lately I’ve had a hard time to find inspiration. It’s like everything looks the same and diversity in ways of seeing things is totally non-existent. But I guess I just got stuck looking in one direction, stuck swimming in the same pond. I’ve been following Afripedia from a distance since I know both Senay Behre And Teddy Goitom from when I was younger. Me & Teddy shared studio for a while and so on. Anyways. They both always been doing very cool things. Teddy started Stocktown way back (also something you really need to check out- like an online video mag) and now they’re on to Afripedia and works from New York.

Omar Victor Diop kopia

Above – photographer Omar Victor Diop
They’ve done a series that been going on Swedish UR – you can watch 4 episodes – right here. The idea is to show cultural life beyond the typical image you get from Africa. And it’s bubbling and bursting with awesomeness.


Afripedia : Senegal/UR

Above fashion designer Selly Raby Kane from Senegal

Beyond cool!! <3 <3 <3

Afripedia : Ghana/UR

Watch the trailers on you tube right here. And they do stops in South Africa, Kenya, Senegal, Ghana & Angola. And they’re all a must see!


I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!



1 Comment

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March 2, 2016 at 22:59

Supercoola videos. Tack!