Outdoor inspiration
As I´ve told you before I really enjoy having a garden. I´m not that into gardening-work though, so naturally ours is not very well kept. (Some are probably calling it down right messy). But that wont hold me back, just like every year I´ve made a long list of stuff I want to get done this summer. I might not even check one single thing off that list, but as I´m writing I see myself having both hens and beehives in my garden come fall and the kids can wear big hats made from our enourmous sunflower field and make a fort out of redbeets and tomatoes.
A girl can dream can´t she?
Since interior magazines purpose in life is to inspire people I get to visit plenty of beautiful places that are far from messy. Like the pictures in this post. I photographed them with stylist Anna Björkman for the magazine NyaRum a few years back. Anna found this house with a beatuiful entrance and garden. Lucky for us there was this old car hid away under a cover in the backyard and Anna packed it as if she was going to drive off to a imaginary French summerhouse with it.
I love the tiles in the entrance.
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I like messy gardens more than neat ones. Messy with lots of beautiful plants, that is. (Although even ground elder looks pretty in bloom, we now
vigorously pull them out before they take over the neighborhood.)
The apple blossom photo reminds me of my grandmother who used to cut a little bouquet like that from her garden and tape it on to our birthday envelopes :)
I hear you.
But it´s hard for me to get things to grow and bloom if I don´t care for it. Only a few things work here like roses. They are strong as hell.
men DU! bilen!!! och golvet där i butiken(för det var en butik va?) jösses, och sen drömmer jag om att odla alla färger på morötter som finns. ps. ogräs plockar jag bara om jag får lust och sen ligger det i små högar längs landet/rabatten.
Men det tråkiga i vår trädgård är att det dör. Pga vanvård.