Life At Jenny´s House


We love our cat Saba so much, we cuddle and sweet talk her. We look at her with loving eyes as we give her food and pamper her with soft pillows in the windowsill when she wants to spy on birds in our yard. We even light our fireplace in the morning cause we know she likes to lay infront of it bathing in the light of the flames.

And this is how she looks back at us. With a blank stare.


We´ve been taking lots of long walks lately. dosfamily-redbeatjuice

Getting this kid to eat vegetables has become an easy task since I got a juice processer. Here he´s had some red beat and ginger juice.


Sad to see this fox in a ditch outside our village. So pretty.


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

March 24, 2015 at 17:31

Men bufflar hon inte in nosen i halsen när ni lyfter upp henne? Saba alltså. Jag menar, i den där målmedvetna bufflingen sitter ju all kattkärleken. Å nu saknar jag min katt…

Och tänk att döden kan vara så vacker på bild.

Och att dina kids alltid är så urgulliga på bild!


March 25, 2015 at 05:52

Beautiful fox photo, but yes, sad.