Nebraska in pictures


This week we are ending our Nebraska visit and going back to Sweden. The kids have had so much fun. Playing with their cousins and their new-made friends.
Frank struggled a while with the jet lag and I´m sure it will be just as tough for him on our way back. My sister has a cat called Missan, she has been keeping him company as he has fallen a sleep every now and then.


1. Viola has been hanging out with her cousin Hanna the most, she is 12 and have lots of cool friend and a neat wardrobe. In the picture (above to the left) she is wearing a tee with the words “I went outside once but the graphics weren’t that good“. 2. Our mornings have been spent in this IKEA (of course) couch at my sister´s house. The kids have gotten used to being around Daisy, the family dog, and are now dead set on having one of their own. We will see. 3. This is what O street in Lincoln Nebraska looks like at night.  4. Found a cool parking spot.


Viola hanging out in a Spongebob suit.


See all my Nebraska – posts here!