New chairs, the police & a drunk man.


Last night I went to buy some chairs on Blocket (our Swedish  Craigs list). My dad was taking me and before picking me up I had to withdraw some cash. On my way to the ATM machine I noticed a big man standing on the street, swaying like he was holding up the house he was leaning against. He didn’t looked or acted like the normal kind of drunk but still people passed smirked at him and laughed a bit. I thought but what if he has a stroke or anything and the we all just pass and nobody does anything. So I asked the man how he was doing and if he needed any help. Well he needed help cause he was so pissed he couldn’t stand straight but he could still talk although a bit wish washy. He was clear but not at all. Told me to ring his wife and when I couldn’t get hold of her I had to call the police. He was gonna hurt himself falling and way to big for me to help. After a while I got hold of the wife – it seemed as if this was no news for her. She had enough. He told me he had been drinking for 4 days straight and how he was a total looser but in a way drunks can do- like they are a bit proud of being at the bottom and that life is something that just happen and that he himself had nothing to do with it.
You know I’m writing this since it was all such a weird and tragic thing. He was not super drunk or made a total fool of himself but he talked about his family and how he’s messing it up. It’s just life for so many people out there. I’m feeling for the kids and the wife. How he seemed like an nice man but also an asshole. How difficult that is when somebody are both – like we all can be sometimes but also when this assholw comes out to play a bit too much. I’m a close family member to someone with drinking problems. I know how awful it is and how hard it is. After an hour the cops came and where really sweet. They drove him to a clinic to sober up. I’m glad they didn’t just dump him on his wife, at home. I did give the wifes number to the cops. But it turned out I gave the wrong number so the cops called the people I was buying chairs from! That was kind of funny. I wonder what they thought of me haha.
The chairs where great. But they will get a new color and new fabric. I’ll show you when I’m on it!

I hope everything will get better for the man and his family.




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November 12, 2014 at 16:48

In the End i had to laugh. Because the number thing.
But the story about this man is really sad. Sad for him and his wife and family.
Sometimes, life is so confusing for somebody.

Have a nice day.

November 12, 2014 at 19:21

Mm, förstår hur du känner. Har själv upplevt flera liknande möten genom åren. Både i jobbet och annars. Man känner sig så hjälplös ibland, och blir liksom själv förvirrad över vad man ska/kan göra i olika situationer. Strongt av dig att fråga i alla fall och inte bara ta något för givet.

Kommer särskilt ihåg en gång för många år sedan nu; det var på lunchen, jag var riktigt försenad och stressad och skulle bara köpa en burgare att “stjälpa i mig”, småsprang in på stället med det stora lysande M:et. Där träffade jag på en bekant. En kille som jag egentligen inte kände, men som verkade ha en lite komplicerad tillvaro just då. Han brukade stanna och lätta sitt hjärta ibland när han fick syn på mig på stan eller i någon affär.

Ånej, tänkte jag när jag fick syn på honom då, där inne på restaurangen – jag hinner liksom inte med dig idag!

Men han tog, såklart, sikte på mig och började berätta om att hans tjej precis hade gjort slut och att han nu funderade på att ta livet av sig… Självklart stannade jag ett tag, men när jag sedan småsprang tillbaka upp till jobbet igen, med hjärtat bokstavligen i halsgropen, mådde jag fysiskt illa av detta möte som blev alltför kort. Som tur var gjorde han inte allvar av sitt hot. Ser honom inte så ofta nuförtiden, men när jag gör det så brukar han ha ett barn i sin hand. Det värmer att se att han verkar ha det bra.



November 13, 2014 at 01:49

I’m so glad you stopped & asked the man if he was alright. I do that too, & always wander if I should, if I’m a sucker or if it is the right thing to do. Life is so colourful & tragic.
I LOVE the ending of your evening, that you gave the police the wrong phone number by mistake, it was such a great ending to a pretty tragic story !

Jenny Brandt
November 14, 2014 at 09:23

Så trpkigt att dessa livsöden är så vanliga.

Och det här med att ge fel nummer till polisen, så himla roligt och tokigt. och såå typsikt att jag också gjort en sån grej.

Susanne Mueller
November 24, 2014 at 10:27

Very nice Pictures and Impressions, thankyou for all this photos and Pictures, have a nice Time and a nice Life with your Family.

chairs with potential – mania | Isabelle McAllister
May 2, 2015 at 15:46

[…] vi ens han sälja lägenheten så köpte jag en väldigt galen kväll (läs om detta livsöde jag mötte & hur jag gav polisen telefonnumret till de jag skulle köpa stolarna av hä…) dessa stolar från Gemla på Blocket. Tanken va att jag skulle måla dem svart/grå och klä dem […]