I went to corsica and all the blog got was this postcard


Hello! I’m on vacation in Corsica there of my lack of content for the blog baby.
I’m eating loads of pain au chocolate, complaining about the kind of cold weather (around 20 degrees Celsius – natives are wearing winter jackets). But it’s great just being with the crazy ones I happen to call family.


Me and Della have also pulled ourselves down from big rocks in the mountains and we jumped these cliffs down in the pond while canyoning. It was great. All the men jumped the highest cliff, when it was my turn the guide showed med a lower one – iwas like but why? I do as the men!! I turned all Famcho again and just had to do it! About 6 meters high. I think Della has that Famcho gene as well. Oh it was so much fun!


When the sun comes out I’m baking myself like it was 1984.
My prediction is that we are going to see more skin cancer after this summer since the last summer was so bad it’s like my body craves laying in the sun like never before. All my cells are screaming for those rays of light.
Gotta go now the pool is calling my name.

Ps, we need to talk about games of thrones soon. I’m catching up and damn it’s so good!


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

Emma | Tillvaron.se
June 6, 2013 at 11:08

Så underbart det ser ut! Jag större förresten på dig i en trång gång på ett tåg någonstans utanför Jönköping för ett par (ganska många) veckor sen. Kände mig starstrucked, men höll minen. Ville tala om då hur bra jag tycker att du är, men vågade inte. Så säger det nu; du är så himla bra! :)

Isabelle McAllister
June 9, 2013 at 15:13
– In reply to: Emma | Tillvaron.se

Men åh Emma – tack så mycket. Nästa gång måste du säga hej! Jag bits verkligen inte och alltid kul att sancka! Blev så glad nu pussr på dig

Emma | Tillvaron.se
June 6, 2013 at 11:15

Det var förresten inte alls utanför Jönköping, någonstans kring Nässjö tror jag.

June 6, 2013 at 14:05

Ohhhh I want to go back to Corsica when I read your stories. Does it still smell so good? Like lush & spicy?

Isabelle McAllister
June 9, 2013 at 15:13
– In reply to: Judith

Well the heat wans’t really there so no I really missed the scent this year.

June 6, 2013 at 15:54

Have you seen the Corsica guide by Garance Dore? http://www.garancedore.fr/en/2013/06/06/corsica-laetitia/

Isabelle McAllister
June 9, 2013 at 15:14
– In reply to: Valerie

Thanks Valerie, no I have maile her and her tema about that guide but didn’t see it was up! Thank you!

June 6, 2013 at 22:49

Jag har ett traumatiskt minne från Korsika, jag såg en liten gråsparv mossas ihjäl under en stressad Korsikans sko. Mannen hade bråttom och fågeln han inte flytta på sig. Den blev till våffelsmet, jag var tjugo år och grät. Mannen skrapade av sin sko mot en trottoarkant och bad mig om ursäkt. Annars var det en fantastisk ö!

Isabelle McAllister
June 9, 2013 at 15:15
– In reply to: http://cirkusiskogen.blogspot.se/

men usch vad sorgligt och vidrigt. Jag har inte stött på några sådana typer som tur är!

June 7, 2013 at 22:22

This place looks amazing! Maybe one day we will visit Corsica as well:) Have a good time and send more postcards:D!

June 9, 2013 at 03:11

Best blog post title EVER!

Isabelle McAllister
June 9, 2013 at 15:15

Thanks Mary!! And Lubitella I will post more soon!