When decisions becomes huge like mountains

I have a tendency to go crazy bananas when it comes to certain decisions. Most of the time I know what I want but when I get stuck, I go mental. It’s like the choice takes over my body to the degree that I cant do or think anything else.
Last week I realized I needed glasses. It’s a first. But lately I have had loads of headaches and difficulties to focus on stuff – I can read without a problem but I get tired. Or my eyes does. So I went to do a check up. Then I got stuck in the store for a while but at the end picked out these two pairs. This choice was easy, I just felt good about them and I brought them home to feel them up a bit. In the store I was positive about the brown ones but then when I got home suddenly the black was the winners.
After asking on Instagram I got more than 100 comments and most of you thought the black pair was best. Then my mind went into a roller coaster.
I think this is very interesting how my focus can stop and the indecision becomes so strong. I am very good at analyzing things. And yes this pair I will wear like all the time so in my world, right now, it was a kind of a big thing. But I always have a problem when being like this. I feel like I’m a drama queen. But after this session I think I learned a lot about myself.
The conclusion after all must be that yes, I’m a bit of a drama queen but it’s my way to cope and I don’t think it is as hard on others as it is for me feeling as one. The second thing is that when I’m over analyzing everything I mostly, in the end have a pretty good idea of my choice and why I do it – which is a good thing. I also learn alot about my self. I move forward. This thing about the glasses is not only about black or brown naturally it goes deeper.

But the thing I learned the most is probably that I always pick funny in favor of classic.
Yeah, the stairs would probably look more beautiful without the dots but it’s funnier with them.
I could have built a great normal looking bunk bed but it’s funnier with a unicorn.
I felt more beautiful in a normal sense of way in the black glasses, black is more common in that way we are more used to it – me too.
But in the end I realized that the brown was just more fun so in a week they will live on my nose.

When do you get stuck?



Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

Melissa@Julia’s Bookbag
May 22, 2013 at 08:15

Darling Isabelle! I love the brown ones! They look fabulous on you. I thought the black, although lovely, was a bit severe.

Iris Vank
May 22, 2013 at 08:55

I can so relate to this!! I need new glasses but dread to go choose one (also because my head is too small for regular glasses and the glass is pretty thick so the glass can’t be too big). I am like this with al big decisions, like a car, a camera, tv.. Anyhow, I think you made the best decision. I love the brown one. It suits you and indeed it’s got something special!

May 22, 2013 at 09:17

You look very nice in the glasses! Brown was a good choice! At the moment I am moving to a house after more than 6 years in different studenthouses. All of a sudden I have to make (to me) weird choices about floors and lamps and all these decoration stuff. Its fun and nice but to make choices about things that i never ever thought of can be really exhausting =).

Isabelle McAllister
May 22, 2013 at 14:25
– In reply to: Matilda

decorating for others I love- at home I go totally home blind and run around as a crazyperson. Good luck!

May 22, 2013 at 09:42

hooray for the brown one!!!
she suits you so well!!!
and i know what you mean. decisions can be veeeery hard.
i have glasses too and when i have to buy new one…i need a long time to decide.
isn´t easy. i need to try and try and try.

but in the end…i mostly find the perfect one ore make the decision with the best feeling!
and isabelle…that brown one is perfect for you!!! have fund wearing it!!!!


May 22, 2013 at 09:43

Good choice! Brown ones are less common and less strict!
For me too, this is typically the kind of choice that I make nodes in my brain (as we say in France) :)

Isabelle McAllister
May 22, 2013 at 10:42

Thanks guys for your support and I’m glad hearing more if you can go decision bananas!

May 22, 2013 at 11:35

Gud ja, precis såhär har jag kört fast just nu! Gör mig själv tokig! *Suckar frustrerat* (Inte om glasögon då, utan om bentatuering vs magtatuering, och helt överanalyserar vad som är mest jag. Kommer ingen vart…) Ps. Jag tycker de bruna är jättefina på dig :-)

Isabelle McAllister
May 22, 2013 at 14:23
– In reply to: Klara

tack klara – svårt med tatueringsval. Tro aldrig jag kommer tatuera mig för jag skulle inte klarar av att bestämma mig. Du får visa vad det blev sen!

May 22, 2013 at 12:55

Love the brown ones too! I can so relate to choosing the fun ones and not the classic or “sensible” ones. When I was a child my parents always told me to choose the sensible ones, because they thoght I would get bored with the fun ones. So nowadays as an adult I always choose the crazy glasses, or fun coloured laptop or a jacket with a wild pattern. And don’t get bored too easily ;)

Isabelle McAllister
May 22, 2013 at 14:24
– In reply to: Elina

crayziness FTW!

May 22, 2013 at 13:29

The brown is defnitely better than te black.. the black one is so normal and you aren’t :)

Isabelle McAllister
May 22, 2013 at 14:24

sweetiepie! Thank you kisses

May 22, 2013 at 20:26

Som varande en som har jobbat som optikerassistent i ett tidigare liv, a.k.a. den stackaren som bl.a. måste hjälpa alla veliga människor att välja glasögonbågar… ;) så tycker jag att du verkar förvånansvärt bestämd! Jag menar du valde ju bara mellan två färger – inte mellan tusen olika bågar, som många gör (oavsett hur mycket man försökte övertyga dem om “att det är väldigt sällan som en och samma person passar i klotrunda OCH helt TV-fyrkantiga bågar”).

Superschysst modell har du valt, helt klart!

Sedan är det ju ganka viktigt att de sitter bra också – men det är ju en helt annan sak. :)


ps När velar jag då? Jo, ofta sent på kvällen när jag inte hunnit, orkat, allt som skulle göras. Nu, bums, omedelbart, fast det är för sent?! Eller manana manana?! Oftast slutar det med att i övermorgon eller så vinner.

Isabelle McAllister
May 23, 2013 at 09:04
– In reply to: enannanhelena

ganska skönat att skjuta upp saker också eller hur? Det är faktistk två helt olika bågar även fast de är olika så lite mer velig ändå var det nog men tack för support!

Kara Rush
May 23, 2013 at 05:40

I do this too! I get into a total obsession when it comes to certain decisions, and I think I’ve figured out why: I have to be able to back-up and validate my decision 100%. Even things as simple as picking out a paint color for a piece of furniture. If I’m not completely convinced it’s right, then it’s not happening.

Isabelle McAllister
May 23, 2013 at 09:06
– In reply to: Kara Rush

Yeah Kara – I feel the same. But mostly with bigger decisions! thanks you all for sharing!

May 23, 2013 at 09:53

I know glasses are very expensive, but the guy from my store said, why do we have many pairs of shoes and clothes and bags, but only one pair of glasses?
It’s normal you go for funny, because that’s who you are.
Stay true to yourself!!
I love you just the way you are ;-)

May 23, 2013 at 20:13

Bra val, de var mina favoriter!