flat iron love & also something to think about

When I was on Gokväll I got made up. During all the years on TV I always filmed on location and did my own make up. Since it’s not something I know or have much time to do I basically do the same all the time. I own a hairdryer but mostly dry glue with it when doing DIY’s. I don’t think I ever used it on my hair. But I was very pleased with how it all turned out this time. Sorry to say I forgot the girls names (Emily and Sandra?). Most of the time I feel like a overdone crazy old lady with pancake face and hard rouge brake tracks all over when I get my make up done so I tend to get a bit nervous. The other thing is also that I started to see with myself that I know what I want and get less and less patience with letting others have their way (when it comes to job stuff). But I don’t like this trait. It’s good to know what you want but when I start to become less open minded to what other people have to say or their ideas then I’m just a stupid old hag. I think it’s one of the key things in life – to be curious. But also as a woman to give room and help other women even if they are younger and up and coming. It’s something we would all agree to but after talking with 40+ women I’m hearing it’s becoming harder and harder. Like there is a period of change. That as a woman you will not be looked upon in the same way. You are becoming more and more invisible and it’s so sad. Anyway I sat in the make up room and I was so prejudice about these girls. They where young and a little shy at first but very sweet. And I was nervous that I would look crazy and thinking about how it probably was better if I did it myself bla bla bla, -then I opened my eye’s and got so happy with the results. So in my mind I was a bitch. I hope you see what I mean by this. I kind of learned a lesson here. That even when I think I’m open minded – my head is doing other stuff. Gotta fight it!

And now I want a flat iron for my hair or do you call hit hair straightener? And which one should I buy to be able to do these curls and cinnamon bun on my head? Can you help me out here?



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December 20, 2012 at 12:53

One cinnamon bun = ok
Two cinnamon buns = compete with Princess Leia …

December 21, 2012 at 00:11
– In reply to: Elsa

Haha but i like leia too! And not really the same buns is it?

Lena K.
December 21, 2012 at 06:08

Your hair and make-up look great! What you’re saying really makes sense, and I believe many people probably think it but can’t admit it to themselves or others. (In other words, you’re being brave and honest to share this. :-)

At almost 30, I’m so glad to have the experience that comes with being older. Still, I’m also finally starting to see how the aging process can be scary, if unavoidable — and this is growing up in a family that focused on being a ‘good’ person rather than (just ;-) a ‘good-looking’ person. I was recently flipping through some Swedish women’s magazines and was happy to see that the models weren’t as air-brushed as they are in the American mags: the women were still beautiful but weren’t airbrushed to look 22 when they were really 40, etc.

As for the nomenclature, I’m more familiar with the term ‘flat iron’ than ‘hair straightener’ — I associate the former with the electric appliance and the latter with liquid styling products. However, I’m not a professional and can’t recommend any brands since I don’t use one myself!

December 21, 2012 at 23:23

Thanks Lena! It means a Lot to me that you took the time to comment on this! I don’t think it’s all about the looks but I guess in society as a whole it’s where it’s all coming from. But I guess that women has even more of a less market when coming of age. And thanks for letting me know about the flat iron. It’s gonna be easier buying one then!
Merry Xmas!

Lena K.
January 3, 2013 at 02:43

You’re welcome and thanks for the reply, Isabelle! I understand better where you’re coming from now. (For my career in education, age — or at least the experience that comes with it — is a positive thing that I’ve been looking forward to because it’ll mean more credibility and power to do good. However, I know it’s different in many fields!)

I just read a wonderful excerpt in bell hook’s ‘communion: the female search for love.’ Are you familiar with her? She’s an amazing American cultural critic whom I have really gotten into lately. [Here’s an old video interview where she talks about the importance of studying popular culture, such as watching TV. :-D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLMVqnyTo_0 ]

The first chapter of communion, called ‘aging to love, loving to age,’ talks about the relationship between female power or ‘worth’ and aging, and how it’s changed over time in the private and professional sphere (for better and worse.) I can’t find the entire text online to link but could snail mail a xerox of the chapter if you are interested and have a Post Office Box or other mailing address you’d feel comfortable sharing. (No pressure at all, of course, as I’m a stranger on the internet and randomly suggesting it. However, if you are, you have my email address!) :-)