In doubt
I am going to transform this staircase. I fell in love with the wallpaper Julian from Sandberg but now it’s like the dots are taking over everything. I love the pippi longstocking vibe to it and I seldom think something is too much but now I’m really hesitating.
Looks great on the image but in real life – the white is sooo white and then the dots become so strong.
Normally I really can tell directly if it’s good or not. But not this time.
Like Jenny said to me – why can’t we just love white and be happy with it?!
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
I think the wallpaper will look nice there. The wallpaper will be a nice contrast against the lines from the stairs. Good luck!
it looks AMAZING in the picture!
How ’bout on the smaller wall on the side of the stairs?!
Haha, Ja precis så – varför kan du inte bara gilla vitt Isabelle ;) rätt o slätt liksom. Tänk vad livet hade varit enkelt då. Fast ack så trist. Jag tror det blir fint jag.
You could wallpaper your alcove with the dotted paper and paint your staircase wall?
Yeah, I would hesitate as well, the dots have to be more narrow and tinier to “close the deal” :-) The big dots are too dominant.Why not paint it white and transfer little dots with a stencil? (Takes a bit more time, hm). But I would take the same colours. Looks nice with the pink of the staircase and the map. Greetz, Lenschn
Why not wallpaper the staircase instead of the steps? I would love to walk on red red dots!
No, I meant instead of the wall! Not instead of the steps, that doesn’t make sense at all… My head is tired.
haha! once you are “infected” by colour you will never go back to white!
Att döma av bilden kommer det att bli skitsnyggt! Jag tänker också att det gör inte så mycket om det blir lite crazy just vid trappen, det är kanske inte ett ställe ni hänger så mycket vid att ett starkt mönster skulle bli störande?
Go for it!!!
I love Ella’s idea :D Second it hehe.
Hörru, ta en pause och svara på detta så kanske det klarnar :) Ni är utmanade:
Looks amazing in the picture!
Jag fattar tanken, tror jag, som du skulle vilja ha det. Tror du inte man skulle kunna typ patinera tapeten, och göra den lite mer smutsig…Gnid in den med kaffesump, eller dutta på tevatten?? Då skulle det bli perfekt Pippi-känsla, med perfekta Pippi-prickar. Testa på en liten bit!