This week I´ve noticed..

That the kids messy desk is actually quit nice-looking.

That Pj´s should be worn more during the day.

That the King and Queen looked happy as newlyweds.

That it´s warm enough to lay outside on a blanket all day.

That Viola likes to flip our ottoman to the side, so she can see out the window

That lamps look good in groups of 3

That the days are getting longer and it´s light out until 7.30 at night.

What have you noticed lately?


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

Frau Haselmayer
March 28, 2012 at 02:29

I think about it and share some images about what I noticed lately on my blog, too! Great idea and great images. And, yes, choas can be pretty, too!

March 28, 2012 at 02:55

i have noticed that i no longer like to wear black, that Lily is 2 but acting like a teenager and that she got toe skillz. come on over and take a look :)
you have a lovely blog. i have been spying for the past few days.

Jenny Brandt
March 28, 2012 at 10:19

Frau Haselmayer: Great! I will go check it out straight away!

Claudia: Thank you! I loved what have dawned on you.

March 28, 2012 at 11:41

jo men just det att stök kan vara riktigt snyggt på bild, vilket gör att jag inte är lika eller alls stressad faktiskt över att ha det kliniskt rent hemma (har nog aldrig haft det), men kanske borde eller? nä…jag dokumenterar det istället å låter det ligga som ett vackert stilleben.

March 28, 2012 at 16:59

That I love this blog!!

Nä, det var fusk, jag vet, för det är ju inget nytt som jag har lagt märke till. Och att stök kan vara vackert – i den kören kan jag också sjunga. Det gäller väl att försöka se det så i all fall…

Så what’s new då? Att dammsugaren också blir dammigare på våren?!? Och att jag hellre sitter inne och bloggar och tittar på konståkning än går ut med nosen i vårsolen? Nä, jag beklagar det är också yesterday’s news.


March 28, 2012 at 22:10
