Dos Visits Sara, Kristian, Vira and Frank

I got an email from Emilia. She said: “Jenny! I think you should visit my friends. They have the nicest kitchen and  no wall between the bedroom and bathroom! And as if that is not enough, they also have a really sweet laundry bin

How could I refuse? I went there and met such an adorable family: Sara is a nurse and Kristian is a woodshop teacher and they live in an apartment in Malmö with their kids Vira and Frank . The home has a white base with a touch of pink pastels and black. Also stuffed birds and lots of fun family photos everywhere. I´ve featured their bedroom before. See it here!



All photos by me Jenny Brandt. If you do share them please link back to us! Thanks!

Welcome to another Dos Visit, click images for larger view and then use arrows to move forward.

A home is just not complete without a stuffed bird.
A home is just not complete without a stuffed bird.

Vira and her mother Sara
Vira and her mother Sara

Sara and Kristian measured all their cups and glasses and built the perfect shelf
Sara and Kristian measured all their cups and glasses and built the perfect shelf, and the painted the inside pink.

Kristian is a wood shop teacher, here with baby boy Frank
Kristian is a wood shop teacher. Here with baby boy Frank

crafty people´s kind of stuff
Crafty people´s kind of stuff

check yourself in the mirror on your way out
Check yourself in the mirror on your way out

Kristian is a fan of Jockum Nordström

Bullfinch on a stick
Bullfinch on a stick

This is Vira´s room

This is Vira´s room

So inspired by this family´s way of displaying pictures. Everyday life pictures of them are seen here and there.
So inspired by this family´s way of displaying pictures. Everyday life pictures of them are seen here and there.

Semi-hidden bookshelf with black wall and shelfs.
Partly hidden bookshelf with black wall and shelfs.

A shelf with a bite
A shelf with a bite

The bathroom with sink and bathtub is a part of the bedroom, no wall divides the two rooms.
The bathroom with sink and bathtub is a part of the bedroom, no wall divides the two rooms.

Vintage living room furniture
Vintage living room furniture

Here is a glimpse of the laundry bin

Here is a glimpse of the laundry bin that Emilia was talking about. Wicked!

More bathroom

Sally Salamander Draper in the living room
Sally Salamander Draper in the living room



Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

Fridas fina
March 2, 2012 at 15:20

Oh, such a super nice and lovely home! Love the colours, the kitchen storage, the bathroom, well ALL of it! Makes me want to rearrange and repaint my own home, just like this… Have a great weekend!

Jodi Anderson
March 2, 2012 at 15:37

I do love this home. I’d never really considered black as an accent color (and with a pastel!) to the white. That is so cool. I really enjoyed this tour.

March 2, 2012 at 16:07

gillar verkligen köket! fint.

Carrie Rosalind
March 2, 2012 at 16:43

Love everything about this post! Such a sweet family and their home is gorgeous.

March 2, 2012 at 18:49

Super nice!

AprillAprill Johanna
March 2, 2012 at 19:48

Åh, det är såna här hem som gör att vill flytta. Fint i minsta detalj.

March 2, 2012 at 23:10

Hej Jenny! Jag vill efterlysa fler Home Tours hos excentriska singeltjejer utan barn. Jag älskar alla ställen du besökt men får lite ont i magen när det dyker upp ytterligare ett stort ljust hem och ännu en lycklig småbarnsfamilj…

Jag fick Carlos på min 22-årsdag förra veckan; nu är han ramad och upphängd. Det känns skönt med en Carl i huset.

Hej då!

Jenny Brandt
March 3, 2012 at 08:58
– In reply to: Lovisa

Hej Lovisa!

Det är inte min mening att välja “mamma,pappa,barn” -hemmen. men det är säkert så att det är den vanligaste konstellationen i mina visiter.

Har du några tips på excentriska singelhem får du gärna skicka dem min väg. Det sista jag vill är att ge mina läsare magont!

Rebecca @ beautiful square feet
March 2, 2012 at 23:13

Love this house! Thanks for sharing! Just stumbled upon your blog from Tea for Joy and I’m really looking forward to popping back to look through all of your house tours – what a lovely blog!

March 3, 2012 at 05:41

Love this house. It feels lived in, not posed.

March 3, 2012 at 13:07


Trendy Little
March 3, 2012 at 20:46

Gorgeous house, love it!

March 4, 2012 at 17:02

Swede in the details! Thank you for sharing a family. I loved your blog … well, even before I truly understood what a blog was! I really enjoy the pure scandinavian you share with the world!

AprillAprill Johanna
March 5, 2012 at 10:00

ps, vardagsrumsbilden gick inte att förstora, är nyfiken på att se den lite större.

April 28, 2012 at 09:45

Riktigt nice…

The artisan village | curate this space
July 5, 2012 at 09:03

[…] Image courtesy of Dos Family […]

Scandinavian home #27 | I heart interior design
October 7, 2012 at 13:15

[…] Dos Family. Share this: Pin ItMoreEmailLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. Posted in: Interior, […]

January 22, 2013 at 17:23

This post is lovely! I was looking for some decor inspiration and I’m glad I ended up here :)

May I ask something? Regarding picture 9, the one composed by “bullfinch on a stick” (left) and a chair next to a door (right): I love the design of the chair and I’m looking for a chair like this one. Do you happen to know where Sara and Kristian got it? Or the design name, maybe?
Thank you!

Jenny Brandt
January 22, 2013 at 18:13
– In reply to: Nuria

Hey Nuria!

Thank you.
Is it this one?


January 27, 2013 at 21:56
– In reply to: Jenny Brandt

Hi Jenny!
It is :D It’s such a nice lounge chair…
Thank you very much, I appreciate your quick reply :)


Elba Valverde
February 5, 2013 at 18:38

Hi Jenny!
I am in love with that kitchen! Who would’ve thought that black and pastels would look that awesome?
Xo. Elba

Jenny Brandt
February 5, 2013 at 18:39
– In reply to: Elba Valverde

Yes i know! It is really nice.

Black and Pastels Kitchen | Live Colorful
February 5, 2013 at 20:22

[…] out more pictures from this cool space here. What a lovely kitchen! Xo. […]

mesas de estudio niños | Escarabajos, Bichos y Mariposas
February 25, 2013 at 10:17

[…] en el estupendo blog Dos Family, un cuarto ecléctico, lleno de vida y decorado con cajas, ¡cómo me […]

Litet tvättrum med stor charm | Badrumsdrömmar – bloggen för dig som älskar badrum!
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