Alla Balla Kalas is finally here!

So today is the launch of our party-stuff!
Yaay – I am so excited!
There is probably going to be no shutting me down about this project since I have so much to show you. But we start simple as this.
We made a book Alla Balla Kalas (clueless of how to translate it All Cool Parties – sounds corny in English but somehow works in Swedish.)
In the book you get over 200 tips mostly -DIY, games and other smart things to think about when your going to have a party for your kids or if you simply want to spice up everyday with some party-glam.

Then we made this party box with six of each. Plates, mugs, napkins, candy-bags, glasses, horns and placement cards. There is also a poster with a game (what do you call the game when you get blindfolded and then have to draw a tail on a pig (or like now a dog)? The poster also have some recipes and other tips.
The book only costs 50 kronor (about 5 Euro/7 Dollares) and the party box 99 kronor (11 Euro/14 Dollares) and will be sold at ICA.

Table Cloth

Wrapping paper

Ann Söderlund, Christina Breeze Le Guellaff and me – who is behind all of it!

So what do you think?

xxx Isabelle

See behind the scenes photos here – Monster party
See the Mermaid theme party here.
Free cupcake crochet pattern – here.


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

It’s a house
March 19, 2012 at 00:26

Åh det ser helt underbart ut! Jag blir bara så glad! Ska definitivt hålla utkik på Ica!

March 19, 2012 at 00:52

Oh, and: ‘Pin the tail on the pig/donkey/dog’…

March 19, 2012 at 17:04

Dom hade inte hunnit få fram den när jag var på ICA idag, får testa min lycka imorgon istället :)

March 19, 2012 at 19:06


March 20, 2012 at 16:16

Önskar jag var 5 år igen så jag kunde bjuda in till barnkalas!!

March 20, 2012 at 21:09

ser så snyggt ut att jag nästan blir arg. måste till icamaxi imörrn. Kul!

March 21, 2012 at 08:12

Vilken energikick! Den ser superfin och inspirerade ut, ska inhandlas bums.
Ni är grymma! Vilket super gäng! Gör fler böcker..
Kan man boka in häng med er när man behöver en lite “kick” ;)
Jag blev ju helt lycklig av denna lilla nyhet. Nu ska det planeras barnkalas.

Påsken i Falun |
April 9, 2012 at 21:53

[…] ni ser på bilderna var en riktig guldkant. Superfint, prisvärt och stressreducerande. Läs mer om “Alla balla kalas” här. DS. Dela det här:EmailFacebookTwitterPinterestPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]

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June 16, 2012 at 13:58

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