New York Day 3-Messages on Brooklyn Bridge

Thanks to Jetlag we´ve been waking up at 4 o´clock in the morning. And that has given us the opportunity to cross the Brooklyn Bridge during sunrise. It was overwhelming and I had to think about something silly, like A.C Slater from “Saved By The Bell” ,to keep from crying.

As if the beautiful view wasn’t enough there were a lot of messages along the way to keep us entertained.

They don´t mean me.. I hope.

I wish I did.


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

med et lekent sinn
December 18, 2011 at 00:19

Kule bilder! Jeg drømmer om å få oppleve det samme en vakker dag! Kos deg så mye!

December 18, 2011 at 07:17
