Viola goes Norwegian Death Metal

Since my hubby Jens has told me, very clearly,  that he does not read our blog, he only looks at the pictures, It´s safe for me to tell you that I´ve ordered Peter Beste´s book “True Norwegian Death metal” for him for Christmas.

I was reminded of the book when Viola turned up , looking like this, after Jens and her had had lunch and done a little face facepainting.


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

November 14, 2011 at 14:15

Åh, läskigt! Det ser inte ut som annars så söta Viola at all!

November 15, 2011 at 16:09

om de bodde närmre varandra skulle vi inte kunna stoppa dem. DElla och Viola.
Vi såg Harry potter- då sa Della jag vill se filmen när han pojekn dör. Han som vi har i lekstugan. Han är också vampyr. det sa viola. Så jävla coola.