Re-tree. The mummified x-mas tree.
I think it was 4 years ago- then I was invited by this guy to decorate a Christmas tree. Each year a set of designers/fashion personas etc. get the join a Christmas Tree exhibition at Hotel Birger Jarl in Stockholm.
It was funny cause most of the others where there for like an hour just adding cools stuff to their tree.
My idea, the Re-tree, was that I could be able to reuse the tree the next year. You buy a tree and when it loose it’s needles you wrap the branches and put it in your garage.
Saving the environment a little but still to enjoy a tree.
I reused old clothes and kind of mummified the whole tree. 12 hours straight I made it and had friends passing by – helping out all the way so we could say it took about 24 hours to make this tree.
I still love the idea.
Unfortunately I didn’t get any great shots from it. But you get the picture – right?
The birds hanging in the tree are made of old Christmas linens that I found second hand.
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
This is so awesome! I love this!
Love it! SÅ inspirerende, jeg blir så glad!
Fullständigt underbart!! Och sen måste jag passa på att ge dig en puff från min femåriga dotter också. Du är hennes absolut största idol och hon tycker att du (precis när som helst) kan komma och göra om hennes rum till något betydligt glammigare än vad hennes mossiga päron har lyckats leverera… :-D
Aaaaa perfekt för en allergiker som jag. Är så trött på våra plastgranar. Men frågan är: har jag tålamod nog för detta projekt.
Ja! Den granen minns jag, så jädrans smart idé! + där är väl fåglarna som du snicksnackade om för något tag sen?!
Guu va fint! :-)
I really don’t know if it’s worth it. The idea is good but I burned my fingers on the glue gun and I the whole tree got a bit sad after a while anyway. But I like the idea.
I absolutely love this idea and may attempt to convince my husband and children to help me do this one year!
Isabelle: Great – but remember mine got a bit sad (hanging) even though the idea is nice. Maybe you also need to make some branches harder with something… and I used a glue gun to make the fabric stick.
so creative. intricate and very pretty.
Isabelle: thank you